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The Boss Page 12

  On the Friday I got what I’d been expecting all week: an invitation to Stephen’s flat. It was for the Saturday evening, and for me it felt like a confirmation that our relationship amounted to more than just a boss taking advantage of his employee. Had he merely wanted me physically he could have just kept me at the office, while his invitation also removed my sneaking suspicion that he might actually be married.

  I accepted, although in ways it seemed like the final surrender, especially if he expected me to be faithful. Playing the field is fun, and I never did understand all this bullshit about my body being a temple at which only my one true love should be permitted to worship. Sex is special, sure, but for me it’s always been something I do with my friends if I feel like it. I like the way Steve cajoles me into sucking his cock, and I like the way that boys like Pete and Dave get so hot over me they end up grovelling for the slightest taste of honey. I hadn’t forgotten about Martin either, but I’d assumed that for whatever reason he was no longer interested in me. Inevitably that stung my pride, but I tried to tell myself it was just as well, because if my relationship with Stephen was going to get serious then the fewer complications the better. It was still a pity, because Martin was even bigger and stronger than Stephen; he also seemed to like my bum, and it would have been very interesting indeed to see how he reacted to my new-found love of spanking.

  When I saw Sam with Billy in the High Street on the way home it was Martin I immediately thought of, only for my curiosity to take a new turn as Steve appeared and accepted two large bags. They’d seen me, Sam giving me a teasing smile as she looked my skirt suit up and down.

  ‘Hey, Fizz. How’s Miss Goodie-Two-Shoes?’

  I stuck my tongue out at her and turned to Steve.

  ‘What are you up to?’

  There was no hesitation at all in his reply.

  ‘It’s great. Billy’s been getting me stuff from the base. They have this shop, right, with all American gear, really cheap.’

  ‘You’re going to get locked up one day, Steve, or shot.’

  ‘No, it’s all above board, so long as I don’t take the piss. Isn’t that right, Billy?’

  ‘Sure. Once we’ve bought it we can sell it to who we like, and why not? It’s our private property, ain’t it?’

  ‘If you say so. So you’re not doing Calais any more, Steve?’

  ‘Yeah, I’m doing Calais, this is just a bit extra. I’m going tomorrow if you want to come?’

  ‘I can’t. I’m going out.’

  ‘Oh yeah?’

  I knew if I admitted to the details they’d be taking the piss out of me for months. Then again it had to come out sometime.

  ‘Yes, with Stephen English, from where I work.’

  ‘Your boss?’

  Sam laughed.

  ‘Fizz is knobbing her boss!’

  I had immediately gone scarlet, not because of the sex but because of the spanking, which was something they very definitely were not going to find out about. Sam saw immediately and I got the inevitable reaction.

  ‘Oh my, it’s not serious, is it? Not you, Fizz?’

  ‘Yes it is, sort of, and who are you to talk? You two go everywhere together now.’

  ‘Sure, but my man’s not a suit.’

  She’d put her arms around Billy as she spoke, and for once I couldn’t find an answer so I contented myself with sticking my tongue out at her again. She just laughed, but there was a serious note in Billy’s voice as he posed a question, almost accusing.

  ‘I thought you were hot on Martin?’

  I shrugged, immediately defensive.

  ‘I like Martin, yes, but he hasn’t called me or anything.’

  ‘He’s in Afghanistan.’

  ‘Oh . . . well, he might have said something.’

  ‘He’s not allowed to. What am I going to tell him when he comes back? He thinks he’s got the second sweetest girl in the UK waiting for him when he comes back and you’re off with some guy from your work.’

  ‘It’s not like that. Martin and I only went out once . . . well, twice, sort of, and he didn’t ask me about being his girlfriend or anything.’

  ‘You fucked, didn’t you? Don’t that make it plain enough?’

  ‘No it does not! I’m sorry, but just because I choose to go with a man does not make me his fucking property!’

  He was going to reply, but Sam got in first.

  ‘Leave her, Billy. She didn’t know.’

  ‘Yeah, but . . .’

  I wasn’t leaving it, not like that.

  ‘Look, when Martin comes back you can tell him this. I like him, and I would like to go out with him again sometime, but I am no man’s property, and if he thinks I’m his he can go and fuck himself with his oversized prick. Got that?’

  Billy looked shocked, maybe not used to women a foot shorter than him shouting at him in the street, and there was no mistaking the implication of his answer.

  ‘Yeah, I got that, and I’ll be sure to tell Martin, just like it is.’

  I’d have said more, but Sam was already hustling him away and I was left fuming in the street. Steve looked bemused by the entire incident, and spoke as soon as Billy was out of earshot.

  ‘What’s his problem? Anyone would think he’s the one you cheated.’

  ‘I didn’t cheat anybody! Jesus, Steve, not you too . . .’

  ‘Hey, be cool, Fizz, I didn’t mean it like that. I just don’t see what his beef is.’

  ‘I suppose he thinks he’s sticking up for his mate, but I never said anything about being faithful to Martin, and he didn’t ask. Now even if Martin was OK with me Billy’s going to fuck it up. Bastard!’

  ‘Come and have a jar, yeah?’

  He put his arm around my shoulder, not in a sexual way at all, but just affection. I let myself be steered into Buzz Shack, where he put an ice-cold lime mix in front of me. My temper was still running high and I swallowed more than half of it in one, which helped me to relax at least a little. Steve already seemed to have forgotten the incident, spreading himself out on the bench with his pint of lager in one hand as he spoke.

  ‘Shame about Calais. It’s not the same without you.’

  ‘Dave will go, won’t he?’

  ‘Thanks a bunch, Fizz.’

  ‘I’m sorry, anyway. Next time, I promise.’

  ‘OK. So what’s with these cameras? Have they got the go-ahead?’

  ‘Not yet, but it looks like they will.’

  ‘So what do I need to know?’

  ‘Your face will be recorded and memorised, so there’ll be a record of you wherever you go. Some of the cameras are small and easily concealed to deliberately catch you out. The bigger models pick up sound too.’

  ‘What about deliveries and stuff?’

  ‘I don’t know. Who’s to say that you didn’t get what you’re taking from the cash and carry? I don’t think even the ZX-5 can zoom in close enough to read the small print on a can of beer, but they might be able to put together a case based on your movements.’

  ‘Shit. But you’re going to know where these things are, right?’

  ‘Yes, but you know what Town’s like. There are only five roads they need to cover.’

  ‘Yeah, but I was thinking. If you fixed it so the camera on the Bury Road is in the right place I could cut through the country park.’

  ‘That might work.’

  He began to enlarge on his plan, suggesting ways in which I could help him and others cheat the system. At first I felt a little guilt as well as appreciation for his ideas, but by my second mix I’d decided that I wouldn’t be betraying Stephen or Black Knight at all, and I felt no loyalty whatsoever to the council. Just as many cameras would be sold after all, and we weren’t being paid by specific results.

  My bad temper died down slowly as we talked and drank. Soon Josie had joined us, then Pete and others, until it was the usual crowd all laughing and joking around the biggest table in the bar, just like old times except that I was in my work
clothes. I called Mum to say I wouldn’t be in for dinner and treated myself to a big plate of sticky cheese nachos, which left me feeling full and mellow.

  I was on my fifth mix by the time Steve left, intent on getting an early night before his Calais trip. Both Pete and Dave were hitting on me, and I was drunk enough to want to torment them, not giving in to either but never rejecting them flat out either. Zoe was snogging with her new boyfriend in the corner, one tit peeping out from under her top as he felt her, which made the boys worse and ensured that I got my drinks for free.

  By the time they kicked us out my head was spinning. Pete was no better, staggering, but determined to stick close to me, which only made me worse. Dave still had his old wreck of a car too, pulling open the door and jerking his thumb at the inside in an effort to look cool.

  ‘Get in, Fizz, we’re going for a drive. See ya later, Pete.’

  Pete immediately piled in, starting an argument and leaving me laughing by the side of the road. It felt good to be in control, but I didn’t want them fighting over me and climbed in the back, snapping my fingers at Dave as he tried to push Pete back out of the car.

  ‘Drive, chauffeur.’

  He glanced back at me, and I could see the need in his eyes, close to desperation. Full of mischief, I put my fingers to the top button of my blouse, pushing it slowly open. He just stared, but Pete let out a howl like a demented wolf. They began to argue again, but I quickly put a stop to that.

  ‘Hey, shut up both you or I’m getting out. Just drive, Dave.’

  Pete put on a triumphant grin, Dave his sulky face. Both wanted me, that was obvious. I wasn’t sure what I’d do – maybe just tease them until they were ready to explode and leave them like that, or maybe let it go further if I felt like it. I was still smarting over the business with Martin and, despite a touch of guilt for Stephen, keen to show that nobody held me down.

  We pulled out into the traffic, my senses too full of alcohol to care about whether Dave was too drunk to drive. I just lay back, watching the lights flicker past and the faces of the people spilling out of the pubs. As always, I recognised half of them, including a young man just getting into a taxi outside the Bull, clean cut, muscular, and last seen on his knees to an older man on our surveillance disc. I laughed at the memory, and suddenly a really evil idea had come to me.

  ‘Hey, boys, have either of you ever had a threesome?’

  Dave nearly left the road. Pete spun around, staring right at me.

  ‘What? You saying you’re up for it?’

  ‘I might be, if you behave yourselves.’

  He let out another ear-splitting whoop as Dave finally found his voice.

  ‘What, like both of us at the same time?’

  ‘Something like that.’

  His answer was a wordless expulsion of breath. Pete was still staring at me, his eyes nearly popping out of his head. I gave him a lazy smile and casually undid another button of my blouse. His tongue poked out to wet his lips, and as he spoke his voice was a croak.

  ‘Show us then, Fizz, go on.’

  ‘Uh-uh, not here. Keep going, Dave. Park up well out of town.’

  He’d reached the turning for the Lynn Road, and sped up. I could hear his breathing, while Pete was staring at me as if he’d never seen a woman before despite the time we’d gone together. It was too good to resist and I undid another button, and a fourth, leaving my blouse wide open and my bra showing. Dave swallowed and I poked my tongue out, licking my lips as I took hold of the bottom of my bra.

  ‘Peek-a-boo, Petey.’

  I jerked my bra up, spilling my breasts out into the flickering light from the street lamps overhead. Pete shook his head, staring wide-eyed as he spoke.

  ‘Fuck me!’

  ‘Maybe, if you’re lucky.’

  Dave could see in the mirror, his eyes as wide as Pete’s and a single bead of sweat forming on his forehead. He put his foot down as he pulled away from town and the lights, leaving the interior of the car in near darkness save for the faint glow of the instrument panel. I began to play with my breasts, knowing Pete could barely see as I teased my nipples and stroked underneath to show off to him. Dave drove faster still, only to suddenly slam the brakes on and pull us in.

  ‘This is a good place. Fuck me, will you look at that!’

  He’d turned the inside light on and craned around, both of them now staring at my chest as I toyed with myself. They looked fit to burst, and I was having trouble keeping the laughter out of my voice and sounding sultry instead.

  ‘OK, here will do. What would you like to do first, boys, spit-roast me?’

  ‘Yeah, great!’

  ‘What’s that?’

  ‘When one bloke has her each end, you prat. A lot of footballers are into it, when they get groupies and that.’

  ‘Nice, we’re going to do it like footballers.’

  He began to scramble into the back, but I wagged a finger at him.

  ‘Uh-uh, not so fast. You boys always tell. This time I don’t want you to.’

  ‘Yeah, yeah. We promise, right, Dave?’


  ‘Uh-uh. I want to make sure, and I want to have fun too . . .’

  ‘Yeah, I don’t mind doing that stuff you like, that’s cool.’

  ‘Good, let’s see your cocks then.’

  They hesitated, wary of doing it in front of each other, which made me smile as I craned forward between the seats. Pete had his out first, already hard from watching my little strip show. Dave had quickly followed, but he was still limp, pleading as he spoke.

  ‘Give us a tug first, Fizz.’

  I reached out immediately to take him in hand, enjoying the meaty feel of his penis, which quickly began to grow. Pete didn’t know where to look at first, but quickly decided to take advantage of my bare chest, slipping a hand down the back of the seat to cup my breast. He was pulling at himself as he did it, already urgent, so I gently detached his hand.

  ‘Calm down, Pete. If you’re in such a hurry we won’t get any fun, will we?’

  ‘I need it, Fizz, I tell you.’

  ‘Just take it easy, will you? Right, boys, who wants to fuck me first?’

  I said it slowly, savouring the words, and both of them were demanding the right immediately, even though Dave was still only half hard in my hand. I went on, feigning surprise.

  ‘Both of you? That’s a bit difficult. I tell you what, if you want to have me, you’ve got to suck the other guy’s cock first, OK?’

  Neither of them answered, both staring at me as if I’d suggested a cannibal feast. I burst out laughing, unable to hold it back and Pete finally found his voice.

  ‘Fuck that. That’s gay, that is!’

  I shrugged, leant back and began to toy with my nipples as I answered.

  ‘It doesn’t have to be gay. You liked it when I let Josie feel my tits at the Dog and Duck that time, didn’t you? Don’t deny it.’

  ‘Yeah, but . . . I mean, Josie’s a dyke, ain’t she?’

  ‘Yes, but I’m not.’

  ‘Yeah, but you’re still a girl. It’s not the same for blokes.’

  ‘Why not?’

  ‘It’s just not, it’s . . . I don’t know . . .’

  ‘It just ain’t right, Fizz. Come on, you ain’t being fair!’

  Both of them had gone limp. I shrugged, enjoying myself immensely as I went on.

  ‘Come on, just for me. It doesn’t mean you’re gay, it’s just to turn me on, and I promise I won’t tell anybody.’

  ‘No way!’

  ‘Come on, Fizz, quit joking.’

  ‘I’m not joking. If you want to have me, I want to see you suck each other’s cocks. You can do anything you like, I promise.’

  I meant it. I was drunk enough and horny enough to try anything, but only if they went along with it. Dave had started to sulk, but Pete gave me a calculating look.

  ‘Like what?’

  ‘You tell me.’

  ‘What if you, like, let
us watch while you piss?’

  ‘OK, if that’s what you want.’

  ‘Through your knickers.’

  ‘You’re a little pervert, do you know that?’

  He didn’t bother to answer, but bit his lip. I was willing, more than willing, because I’d found the perfect game, indulging my cruel streak while at the same time allowing myself to get into things I wouldn’t normally have dared do. It’s always easier to get heavy if you can pretend you’re not just doing it because it gets you off, and my tummy was already fluttering at the thought of what they might make me do. Dave spoke up, perhaps catching the calculating look on Pete’s face.

  ‘I ain’t fucking doing it. I’m not a poof.’

  Pete’s face worked with emotion for an instant before he answered.

  ‘Nor am I, mate, but don’t you want to watch Fizz piss her knickers?’

  ‘I . . . I don’t know. That’s a bit dirty, ain’t it?’

  ‘What then? Come on, it’s not every day you get a chick saying she’ll do anything you want, is it?’

  Dave had his sulky face on, and as he put one tentative hand to the car key I was sure he was about to spoil everything. I leant quickly forward, nuzzling my face against his neck as I took hold of his cock. As I kissed him my hand had burrowed into his fly, pulling out his balls as I whispered the dirtiest things I could think of into his ear. He made a sort of strangled noise, but his cock was growing rapidly in my hand as I kept on.

  ‘Come on, Dave, you want to do it, don’t you? I don’t mind, it turns me on, and I’ll do anything, anything . . .’

  Again he made an odd noise, then finally spoke.

  ‘I . . . I want to put it up your bum.’

  I rocked back, letting go of his cock.

  ‘You dirty little pig!’

  ‘Yeah, well, you want me to suck Pete’s cock!’

  For a long moment we were just staring at each other, perhaps both thinking the same thing: did we dare use each other’s demands to fulfil dirty fantasies? I like to be touched between my cheeks, and I’d thought about how it would feel to take a cock up my bottom, but it always seemed too dirty to admit to. Now, maybe . . .

  ‘OK, you little pervert, you suck Pete’s cock and you can do what you want.’

  Pete cut in immediately.