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The Choice Page 3
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Page 3
I wanted it, but he held off, cautious. He was responding to me though, his cock firm against my tummy as he held me close and getting rapidly firmer. That broke what little resistance I had left. I wanted to see, to hold him, to take him in my mouth. As I detached myself from his grip I looked down.
‘You’re proud of yourself, aren’t you?’
He gave an embarrassed shrug, unable to deny the state he was in.
‘Let me see.’
His beautiful eyes grew a little wider in surprise, as if he could hardly believe his luck when I drew down his zip and burrowed my hand inside. He was rock hard, and big, making it difficult to tug him out of his fly, but I soon got him showing, his balls too. I took him in my hand, tugging gently as we kissed once again and tweaking open the buttons of his shirt until it fell open across his chest. He responded in kind, tugging my top up and spilling my breasts free of my bra, his huge hands pawing at my flesh, clumsy and too eager but still exciting.
Only when he began to get really rough did I pull away, moving slowly down his body to brush my lips over his neck and the hard muscles of his chest. He groaned as he realised what I was going to do, and I couldn’t help but tease, flicking my tongue over the smooth lines of his six-pack with his cock still held in my hand. I was hoping he’d take me by the hair and make me do it, but he seemed frozen, as if the slightest movement or attempt to take charge might scare me off. That wasn’t so bad, allowing me to indulge in one of my favourite pursuits – worshipping a cock.
He was worth it too, really magnificent, both long and thick, very pale and very straight, with firm heavy balls, like the statue of some priapic love god. I’ve always liked to be at the feet of a well-endowed man, worshipping not him, but his masculinity, licking and kissing at the huge virile member that is about to be put into my body. Now I had a real beauty, and I had no intention of wasting it, first folding my breasts around his shaft and letting him push up between them a few times, before at last taking him in my mouth.
I was squeezing and stroking his balls as I sucked, my urgency now so great that it was hard to hold back, but I had no intention of ending up with a mouthful and nothing else. He was groaning softly and had begun to push, but I forced myself to pull away, instead taking him in my hand and licking at his balls as I pulled gently on his shaft, lost in dirty admiration for his sheer virility. I was down on my knees, adding to my feelings of worship as I began to nuzzle my face against him, drinking in his male taste and scent.
He finally took charge, taking a firm grip in my hair and feeding himself back into my mouth so that I had no choice but to suck. I looked up, straight into his beautiful eyes, now full of lust and I knew immediately that I was going to get what I wanted. Sure enough, he spoke a moment later, growling out his words.
‘I’ve going to have you, Poppy. I hope you’re safe.’
I nodded around my mouthful and he immediately let go. Now there was no more waiting. He picked me up and tossed me onto the bed as if I weighed nothing at all, turned up my skirt and pulled my knickers down in two urgent motions, hauled my legs up and twisted the little scrap of cotton around my knees to hold me in place as he guided his cock to my sex, and in. I cried out as he rolled me up, shocked at being handled so roughly and stripped so quickly, and a second gasp escaped me as I was filled.
He began to thrust into me, leaving me panting for breath and clutching at the coverlet as I was fucked, still with my legs held up to keep me helpless in his grip. That was exactly how I wanted it, rolled up and penetrated, unable to resist as his lovely big cock moved inside me. He slowed a little and I began to play with my breasts, deliberately showing off, which brought an evil grin to his handsome face as he watched.
‘You are a wicked girl, Poppy Miller.’
‘I know. Why don’t you turn me over?’
His eyebrows rose a little, but he didn’t need asking twice, his huge hands immediately gripping my thighs to flip me over on the bed. I lifted my bottom for him, my skirt was twitched up to get me bare and he guided himself into me until the hard muscles of his belly were pressed to my upturned cheeks. Once again he began to fuck me, faster now, and with ever greater urgency. His hands had locked on my hips, holding me firmly in place, while it was all I could do to gasp out my passion into the bedclothes. I tried to reach back, desperate to get to my climax before he did. I didn’t want to be robbed of the glorious sensation of having him moving inside me as he manipulated my body as if I’d been a puppet.
I almost made it, finding my sex and starting to rub, only for him to cry out my name and thrust himself deep, his fingers locking into my flesh as he came. That was that, or it should have been, but I couldn’t stop myself, still rubbing at my sex and gasping out my ecstasy even as he withdrew, heedless of the exhibition I was making of myself. I heard him blow his breath out in surprise at how rude I was being, but even that didn’t stop me. My muscles had already begun to contract and all I could think of was my overwhelming bliss as I brought myself to a long shuddering orgasm. I’d barely finished when he spoke.
‘You don’t hold back, do you?’
All I could do was shake my head, with the shivers still running through my body as I came slowly down. I was still in a thoroughly rude position, and began to feel embarrassed at the shock in his voice, for all that I’d been offering myself willingly just moments before.
‘Sorry. You don’t mind, do you?’
‘No. It’s just that … that you’re not quite what I’m used to, if you see what I mean. You were great though, don’t get me wrong.’
‘Thanks.’ I kissed him on the tip of his nose and began to undress, still talking. ‘What are you used to?’
He shrugged, embarrassed, and a thought occurred to me.
‘That wasn’t your first time? It can’t have been!’
‘No, no, nothing like that. I was at Laon Abbey School, which is all boys, but I took my year off in Southeast Asia.’
I’d guessed he was public school, and I didn’t need the dirty details to realise that he’d been up to no good with the Asian girls.
‘English girls can be just as naughty.’
By then I was naked, and I climbed into the tiny shower cubicle attached to his room. As I washed I was feeling not only thoroughly satisfied, but also rather pleased with myself. I’d shocked him, and hopefully had him thinking of me as a rare catch not to be surrendered lightly. Just possibly I’d gone too far, but he’d come to the door to watch me shower, which suggested otherwise. I gave him a bit of a show, posing for him and paying particular attention to my breasts and bottom as I soaped myself.
The steam and the frosted plastic shower door made it impossible for him to see me clearly, and he’d only just come, so I was really only teasing. I couldn’t see him properly either, so when I was finished and had pulled the hair away from my face as I stepped out I was amazed to find him with a full erection and clearly ready for more. With that the last of my doubts evaporated. He was as bad as I was.
‘I suppose you want me to look after that?’
‘Yes, please.’
‘I suppose we’d better go to bed then.’
I took him by his cock and led him to the bed. He let me undress him, and popped himself into my mouth as he stood proud and naked in front of me before we climbed into bed together. As he turned the light off and took me in his arms I knew that I’d found my man.
I’D GOT OFF to a great start, not only finding myself a wonderful boyfriend but also gaining the perfect means to avoid getting my private life tangled up with my efforts to get on in political circles. On my own it would have been almost impossible to steer clear of the petty jealousies and dislikes that can make all the difference, but now that I was with Stephen I could stay safely neutral with both men and women, yet still flirt a little if the occasion demanded it.
That’s what I thought, anyway. I’d decided to join the Labour Party and keep firmly to the centre ground, which seemed to make
the most sense in career terms and was also in accord with my principles. Even after the Freshers’ Fair all three main parties had stands at the Chamber, hoping to attract members, so on the afternoon after my night of passion with Stephen I went round and introduced myself to the two girls behind the Labour stall. There were posters up advertising the first debate of the term, on whether prostitution should be legal and under state control. I guessed they’d both be against the idea and had soon made myself one of the girls with a few carefully chosen remarks. We were still talking when a man came down the corridor; very tall, with a mop of light-brown hair and an arrogant, aristocratic face. As he passed by me he spoke. ‘Don’t do it, girl.’
It seemed to me the perfect opportunity to establish my party credentials, by rounding on him and giving him a brief lecture on social principles and how to speak to women.
‘Excuse me, but …’
He just kept going, ignoring me completely, which triggered genuine irritation. I wasn’t going to let anybody treat me like that and followed him out of the door, catching him by the arm as he started down Cornmarket.
‘Do you mind …’
I broke off as he turned around, looking down on me with a smile of easy condescension.
‘Not at all. I was just giving you a little advice, very good advice.’
‘I suppose you’re a Conservative, because if so …’
‘Good heavens, no. I’m strictly independent.’
That rather took the wind out of my sails, and pricked my curiosity.
‘Then why would you advise me against joining the Labour Party?’
‘I’d advise you against joining any party. Find your feet first, maybe try for election to a post, you can worry about party politics later. Giles Lancaster, by the way, Recorder at the Chamber, which means I’m responsible for writing up the debates.’
‘I know what the Recorder does, thank you, but isn’t it essential to be in one of the major parties?’
‘Not at all. It’s far more important to prove your skill in debate, and to get on in the Chamber. There’s no better start to a political career than being President, if that’s what you want?’
He was obviously somebody I needed to know, and I found myself backpedalling.
‘Yes, very much. I’m sorry I snapped, but I thought you were just trying to put me down. Can I buy you a coffee or something?’
‘No, but you can let me take you out to dinner. How about Les Couleurs, tomorrow night?’
‘That’s in Thame, isn’t it?’
‘I see you’ve been reading your Handbook, but, if I’m going to be taking you out, shouldn’t I know your name?’
‘Poppy Miller, first year, PPE, St Boniface, but I haven’t said I’ll go with you yet.’
‘Why wouldn’t you?’
I nearly gave him a sharp answer, annoyed by his sheer arrogant self-confidence and rather aware that I’d slept with another man the night before, a man I intended to make my boyfriend, although nothing had been said. On the other hand, being on good terms with the Recorder at the Chamber would be an enormous advantage, and while Giles had wolf written all over him I didn’t have to make myself easy prey.
‘OK, if it’s just dinner.’
He merely grinned, and began to walk away, forcing me to call after him.
‘Where will I meet you?’
‘I’ll pick you up from your porters’ lodge. Six o’clock.’
He carried on along Cornmarket, leaving me considering my options. Giles’ intentions were obvious, and I wasn’t in love with Stephen, so I couldn’t help but ask myself if I might have made the wrong choice. Then again, Stephen was aiming for the City, while Giles was presumably intent on politics and so not suitable in the long term. Not that he was likely to want me in the long term anyway, because he seemed more the type to get through as many naïve first-year girls as he could. In that case the best choice was almost certainly to play hard to get, which might make him keener or even earn me a bit of respect. As I started back towards college, I promised myself not to let him get me into bed.
I decided to take Giles’ advice and remain independent at least until I had a clearer idea of the pros and cons of joining different parties and, as I now had an excellent opportunity to introduce myself into Chamber circles, I decided to walk down to the river and watch Stephen row. It was a beautiful autumn afternoon, with bright sunlight and just the faintest breeze disturbing yellow leaves on the pavement as I made my way down St Aldate’s towards the river. I already felt part of the university, and my sense of not deserving to be there had given way to one of feeling privileged because I was, and again a determination to make the very best of my time.
The Emmanuel boats were already on the river, with Stephen trying out as number seven. He didn’t notice me, far too intent on his sport, and I contented myself with standing on the towpath and admiring his body and the power of the way he moved. As I watched I was thinking of the night before, how much pleasure he’d given me and the way he’d taken control once he was too aroused to hold back. I always like that in a man, once things have got going and his desire for me takes over, which is always so much better than having to do all the work myself.
It was also intriguing to wonder what he was used to, and what he’d got up to in Thailand and Malaysia. I had asked, but he’d been distinctly cagey with his replies, making me wonder if the girls he’d been with had been hookers and, if so, whether he’d expect me to behave the same way. That was rather intriguing, as I’d often toyed with the fantasy of being a high-class call-girl and having to do what I was told by the man who’d bought me, although I’d never have done it in real life.
By the time he came off the water I’d managed to work myself into a fine state, which the heat of his body as he hugged me and the scent of fresh masculine sweat made even worse. Unfortunately his college boat club were doing some sort of team-building exercise followed by a meeting to decide on their places in the three boats, or I’d have taken him in among the bushes then and there. As it was I had to content myself with walking back to college with him and, as I was due to meet the Chaplain at half past five, that was that. He had a drinks party for the chemists at his college as well, so I ended up back at St Boniface where I spent the evening in the junior common room feeling frustrated, only to get back to my room to find that he’d been and gone.
It was gone midnight by then, and Emmanuel was locked up, so I went to bed, while I had so much to do the next day that there was no time to see if he was about. I was also concerned that he might suggest going out for the evening, which would be more than a little awkward when I’d accepted Giles’ invitation. By the time I’d had my introductory tutorial, spent an hour in the library working on an outline for my essay and had a quick shower I was actually hoping not to run into him, and feeling guilty.
At six o’clock I made my way down to the lodge, half expecting to find both Stephen and Giles there, talking to each other. Neither was, but I only had time to check my pigeonhole when Giles appeared, dressed in full black tie with a scarf of cream-coloured silk draped around his neck. He saw me and nodded to himself, as if appraising me, then spoke. ‘Very pretty, you have the right-sized bottom for tight jeans, but we’ll never get in the door.’
It had never occurred to me that the restaurant would have a dress code, making me too flustered even to resent his remark about my bottom, which was a bit fresh when we’d only just met and not necessarily complimentary either. Instead of answering him back with some equally cheeky comment I found myself apologising. ‘I’m sorry. I’ll get changed.’
I made for my room, feeling distinctly small and foolish. Violet was on the landing, having an intense conversation with the man I’d seen her with before, her ex-tutor, which made it easy to simply give a quick hello as I passed. I was convinced that if I lingered Stephen would turn up at exactly the wrong moment, so I hesitated only an instant before picking out a simple red cotton dress. It was quite short and the stra
ps were too thin to allow me to wear a bra without looking slovenly, but it was the only thing I had that was remotely appropriate for the sort of restaurant where men wore black tie. I hurried into it, changed my shoes and tidied myself up, then hastened back towards the lodge.
Violet and her ex-tutor were still talking, and I caught a snatch of their conversation before they went abruptly silent, first his voice, then hers.
‘… go down to the river and make one.’
‘That’s so cruel!’
She smiled at me, looking embarrassed, and I was left wondering what she could possibly make down by the river and why she should think it was cruel of him to ask her. Her tone of voice had been curious too, both shocked and excited, which was yet more intriguing, but I had no time to dwell on her curious relationships.
Giles was where I’d left him, standing against the wall with one foot propped up on the stonework, as nonchalant as I was nervous. Again he favoured me with a nod of appraisal, and this time seemed to be satisfied.
‘That’s better. Come on then.’
He set off, talking casually as we made our way along the High and turned into Longwall Street, where he’d parked his car, a black Audi TT, which suggested that either he had money to burn or very generous parents. I didn’t want to come across as some awestruck little girl, so didn’t say anything and simply slid into the seat as if it was nothing out of the ordinary. He made no comment either, clearly not needing to show off, and didn’t speak again until we’d crossed Magdalen Bridge.
‘If you’re at Boniface your tutor must be John Etheridge?’
I hadn’t known that Dr Etheridge was called John, and wouldn’t have dared address him by his Christian name, but did my best to answer casually. ‘That’s right.’
‘And let me guess, your essay is on the Victorian labour movement?’
‘It’s the development of socialist theory in the early twentieth century.’