Office Perks Page 5
I could never have been so rude, but she just didn’t care, even wiggling her arse to shake off the last few drops. She stood up, bright-eyed and laughing as she adjusted herself, grinning as she came forward.
‘And now payback!’
Keith hadn’t moved a muscle since she’d asked if he wanted to see her bum. She stepped close, but he was still staring as she cocked her head to one side and spoke, her tone rich with mockery.
‘Well? Was that nice? Have you got a hard on? I bet you have!’
She stepped forward and he stepped back, straight into Bobbie, who caught his arms. He gave a little squeak as Sophie squeezed his crotch. Immediately she danced back, giggling in delight.
‘Oh, he has, a right stiffy! You dirty little boy! You’re right. Bobbie, he deserves a good spanking, but first . . .’
He began to struggle as she stepped forward again. I took his other arm, holding him as she ducked low to unzip his fly and tweak down the front of his pants. A little pink cock sprang free, rock hard. Kanthi gave a little gasp of shock and the rest of us burst into giggles, Sophie crowing.
‘Isn’t he small!’
I couldn’t help but feel sorry for him, but I couldn’t help laughing either. It was just too much fun. He wasn’t even struggling, much, but he’d given a wonderful groan of half despair and half lust as his cock was exposed. I held on, wondering who was going to do the business, and where. Bobbie gave the order.
‘Over there, where we can see what we’re doing.’
There was no resistance as she and I hauled Keith down the alley, to where a street lamp cast a yellow pool of light among the shadows. Sophie came scampering behind, Kanthi following further back. Only when we got to the lamppost did Keith start to protest.
‘Hey, not here, people will see!’
‘Tough. Tie his hands, Lucy.’
‘What with?’
‘I don’t know. His belt, anything.’
‘OK. You, stay where you are.’
He obeyed, to my delight, meekly standing against the post as I undid his belt and pulled it free. It was thin, easy to wrap around his wrists, securing them together on the far side of the lamppost to fix him in place. His cock was still rock hard, harder if anything, sticking up out of his pants at a jaunty angle. Sophie took it in her hand, giving a few quick tugs before skipping away laughing and slapping her thighs in glee. Keith had reacted with a low moan, and hung his head, plainly in ecstasy, until he saw what Bobbie had removed from a nearby skip – a three-foot length of bendy hardboard.
‘Hey, no, not with that!’
She just laughed.
‘Oh yes, Keith, with this. This is what little perverts get, isn’t it, girls?’
Sophie gave a cry of encouragement, and in a moment had yanked Keith’s trousers and pants down, baring a pair of skinny buttocks. He was looking at Bobbie, his face working between fear and desire, hers full of cruel joy. The board came down with a heavy smack, full across the meat of his cheeks. He gave a pig-like squeal, his cock jerked, and both Sophie and I were clapping and laughing fit to burst as Bobbie laid in, spanking him with the wood to make him jerk and jump and writhe against the lamppost.
His dick was still rock hard, waving wildly about as he was spanked. He began to babble, begging to be let go, his words breaking to the smack of the piece of wood on his bottom and his answering shrieks. She just kept right on spanking, and suddenly he’d stopped complaining, his words breaking to gasps. I saw the spunk erupt from his cock and Bobbie gave a wild and delighted shriek as he started to come. Spurt after spurt erupted as she beat him, laying in the piece of board for all she was worth, to his sobs and our hysterical laughter. Even Kanthi was giggling, with her hands to her mouth and her eyes wide with shock, but pleasure too. I caught the scent of spunk, which went straight to my pussy, but I was right up there with Sophie in taunting him for his behaviour.
‘Naughty dirty Keith. Bad boy! Bad, bad boy!’
‘Imagine, coming while his bottom’s spanked, what a dirty little pig!’
‘What a wimp!’
‘What a little wanker!’
Bobbie had stopped, and dropped the board. Keith’s knees went and he sank down, kneeling at the lamppost with his head hung. His whole body was shaking, and no surprise, because his bottom was a rich red. I thought he was going to cry, but when he finally looked around his expression was rapt adoration. Sophie gave a gleeful crow.
‘Ooooh, he likes it. So now we know his dirty little secret, don’t we, girls? Oh, boy, am I going to have fun with him.’
She stepped close, and I could stare in amazement as she casually hitched up her skirt, pulled the crotch of her knickers to one side and pulled his head into her crotch.
‘Lick me, you little pervert!’
He did it, his eyes closed as he lapped at her pussy. I just watched, shutting my mouth when I realised my jaw was hanging open. I was really shocked, but so horny. She went all the way, holding him firmly in place until the muscles of her bottom and thighs had begun to contract, and she was coming with a long, happy sigh, right in his face. Bobbie began to clap the moment she’d finished, and I joined in. Sophie gave us each a playful curtsey before she even bothered to adjust her skirt, then turned to me.
‘Have a go. I reckon he’s anyone’s.’
I shook my head, wanting it, but unable to make myself do it. She shrugged.
She laughed.
‘Not with him, no, but boy do I need a shag!’
So did I, but I needed a drink more. I felt weak at the knees, and dizzy with reaction for what we’d done to Keith, and the way he’d taken it. A dozen different emotions were crowding my head, so I barely knew what to do with myself. Other than get a stiff Powers down my neck. I went to undo Keith’s belt. Sophie gave a cruel chuckle.
‘Leave him, Lucy. Maybe some big, bad bear will come by and fuck his arse for him. I bet you’d love that, wouldn’t you, Keith?’
‘No! Please untie me, you lot, please!’
Bobbie gave him an arch look and began to walk away. Sophie made a ring of her fingers and slid another suggestively through it. Keith began to panic, pleading to be released and struggling to get his fingers to where the buckle held his wrists strap tight together. I had to laugh.
‘Relax, will you? Nobody’s going to bugger you, not really. The worst they’d do is have a good laugh before they let you go.’
‘Please just undo me, Lucy, please?’
‘All right, you big baby.’
I’d been going to do it anyway, because it really wasn’t fair to leave him. The gratitude in his eyes as I worked on the buckle was truly pathetic, and the moment he was loose I went to Bobbie, leaving him to cover himself up. She put her arm around my waist, and Kanthi’s, Sophie joining the end of the chain and we set off along the alley once more, kicking in step and for some reason singing ‘Summer Holiday’. Keith followed behind.
There was a pub almost immediately around the corner – an odd place, with hardly anyone in it, and a single, grumpy-looking barman staring at a small TV screen while holding a remote control. Bobbie made Keith get the drinks in, much to the annoyance of the barman, and I downed my whiskey in one as Keith sat down, smiling and blushing. Sophie spoke to him.
‘I suppose you expect us to keep your dirty little secret?’
He nodded nervously.
‘We will, but only if you do just as you’re told. Now go and get Lucy another drink, come on, quick sharp!’
For just a moment he’d hesitated, but he went. Sophie was grinning, enjoying herself hugely. Bobbie was much the same, only cooler. Kanthi seemed rather nervous, and spoke as soon as she’d finished her glass of wine.
‘I’d better get back.’
She rummaged in her bag, pulling out first a mobile phone, and then a packet of strong mints, one of which she popped in her mouth, sucking as she retrieved a number from her memory. The moment she’d made the call Keith gave Sophie a single, w
orried glance, then spoke.
‘Could we share, Kanthi? I ought to get back.’
Sophie protested immediately.
‘Hey, you’re not allowed to go! You’re supposed to be paying for us.’
He’d begun to look seriously flustered, but Bobbie spoke up.
‘Give him a break, Sophie.’
Sophie grimaced.
‘Whatever. This place is dead, let’s go back west. Call us one up, Kanthi.’
Kanthi made the call, but I could feel the evening slipping away, my excitement coming to nothing, or a hasty knee-trembler in some West End doorway. I wanted more. Something naughty, something rude.
I’d finished my second drink, and a third, before the first cab came, to take Kanthi and Keith off towards West London. Sophie spoke the moment the door was closed.
‘Men! The moment they’re despunked they lose it!’
Bobbie gave a sour nod, but I thought she was being unfair.
‘We were pretty hard on him.’
‘Nah, he loved it.’
He had come, so I didn’t press the point. I’d never even realised it was possible to actually smack the spunk out of a man, but now I’d seen it. However painful it looked it was certainly effective. I thought of Niall Flynn, and how he’d look with his arse bright red and spunk pumping out of his erect cock as I whacked him with a plank, preferably with his lads looking on and laughing. Bobbie caught my expression.
‘What’s the joke, Miss Perks?’
‘I was thinking of Niall Flynn, who I told you about, only like we did Keith.’
‘Oh no, not to a guy like that, never!’
‘Why not?’
Sophie’s ears pricked up, and she got in before I could discover why Bobbie thought Niall should be immune from what she’d just dished out to Keith with such glee. In my view he was a far more deserving case.
‘What’s this? Who’s Niall Flynn?’
I felt a blush start to rise as I struggled to find a good answer, but Bobbie was already talking.
‘This guy Lucy knows, a real bastard. He made her suck him off in return for a good reference for the SS, and . . . wait for it . . . lick his balls and arse!’
Her voice was full of relish, and I found myself blushing hot as Sophie burst into giggles. I was going to admit I’d exaggerated, but Bobbie was obviously envious of me, maybe Sophie too, for all her arch response.
‘What a disgrace, Miss Perks. Bribery and corruption, cock-sucking, rimming . . .’
‘But he made me, like Bobbie said.’
The expression on her face showed just how much she believed me. I stuck my tongue out at her, just as a squat, balding man appeared in the doorway, glancing around the pub.
‘Cab for Chakravathi?’
Sophie answered him.
‘That’s us.’
He gave her an odd look as we quickly swallowed our drinks. Bobbie spoke to me as we reached the door.
‘Where does he go? Niall Flynn, I mean.’
‘There’s this drinking club above a kebab shop . . . no, Bobbie, we are not going there!’
‘Why not?’
‘My brother will be there for a start.’
‘So everything. Ryan doesn’t know, and he’d kill Niall.’
‘We’re not going to tell her brother, are we, Sophie? Call Niall up, tell him to meet us.’
‘No! Anyway, why?’
‘I want to meet him.’
‘I want to watch you go down on him.’
The cabby had heard every word we’d said, and turned us a dirty leer as he climbed in. We squeezed into the back, with Bobbie in the middle, and before I’d realised what was happening Sophie had snatched my bag and was rummaging in it.
‘What are you doing?’
It was a silly question. I knew. She was going to phone Niall. Whatever happened, it could only mean trouble, and I grabbed out as she pulled my mobile from the bag. Sophie was laughing and talking to herself as I grappled for the phone.
‘Niall Flynn . . . Niall Flynn . . . got him! Hold her down, Bobbie!’
Bobbie grabbed me, trying to pull my arms away as I fought to get at the phone. Sophie was holding it right up against the window, and I couldn’t reach. I got her wrist, though, tugging hard even as she pressed the call button. The phone went on the floor, Bobbie let go and I sprawled across her lap as the cab started to move. The next instant I’d been grabbed around the waist and Bobbie was laughing and smacking my bottom. I didn’t care, scrabbling for the phone under Sophie’s feet. She kicked it away, but I snatched it up from under the chair, pressing the button to cancel the call just as the cabby finally lost patience.
‘Leave it out, or you can fucking walk!’
Sophie answered him, telling him to shut up and drive, but she stopped, and Bobbie let me up. I was laughing as I sat back, and flourished the phone at Sophie, only to have to grab at the seat in front to stop myself being thrown back across Bobbie’s lap as the cabby took a violent corner.
‘Hey, this isn’t a fucking speedway!’ I shouted.
He ignored us, joining the flow of cars on some highroad or other, just as my phone went. Sensible Lucy would have realised who it was going to be and ignored it, or at least checked the incoming number. Drunken, flustered Lucy answered it – to Niall Flynn, inevitably.
‘Hi Niall . . . yes, it’s me . . . no, I’m fine . . .’
‘No she’s not. She wants your cock.’
‘Shut up, Sophie. No, nothing Niall, just my drunk friend . . . never mind her tits.’
‘Big and round and bouncy, Niall! Fancy a grope?’
‘Sophie! Sorry, Niall, I . . . no she did not say that. OK, she did, but she’s pissed.’
‘Where are you, Niall? We’ll come round.’
She’d said it right into the receiver. I hastened to correct her.
‘No, she’s just mucking about. Anyway, we’re miles away, somewhere in Greenwich, I think. No they are not! They’re just pissed, that’s all. No, you pervert, I don’t care if you’ve never had a threesome.’
‘Ooh, yes please! I’m up for it, Niall, I want to watch her suck on your balls and lick your arsehole.’
I tried to hit her, pressing disconnect at the same instant, and we were slapping at each other, both laughing. So was Bobbie, but suddenly she’d stopped, grabbed me around my waist and pulled me down over her lap. Sophie grabbed my hair, and before I could protest my skirt had been yanked up, my knickers had been hauled up my crease and my bare bottom was being spanked. Both of them were laughing uproariously, and louder still as I began to struggle and squeak, because it stung like anything. She wasn’t going to stop anytime soon either, and the next thing I knew was that the cab had come to a screeching halt.
‘Out!’ Bellowed the cab driver.
‘Hey, but . . .’
‘I said out, you mad bitches! Go on with you!’
‘Yes, but . . .’
‘OK, OK, keep your hair on.’
It was not a good thing to say, not when he had quite so much missing on top. Seconds later we were stranded on the pavement, Sophie giggling, Bobbie looking pissed off, me with my knickers still pulled up my bum.
‘What a wanker!’
‘Yes, you’d think he’d have enjoyed the view. Nice bum, Miss Perks.’
‘Yeah, right, but it doesn’t half sting. Let’s get another cab.’
It was easier said than done. The pubs had started to empty out, and we had to join a queue outside a cab office. It was half-an-hour before we were headed west, now a lot more subdued. As we came into the Blackwall Tunnel I realised Sophie was asleep, or she’d passed out. Bobbie didn’t look much better.
‘Shall we just get dropped off home?’
‘Best get Sophie back. Cabby, forget the West End, go for Archway.’
‘You got it.’
We w
ent, first to Archway, where Bobbie helped Sophie from the cab and into a block of red brick flats. She was going to stay, but I had to get back, and got dropped off at the end of my street a few minutes after midnight. It was quiet, as always, and a little scary, the shadows of the terrace and the privet hedges seeming to hold a thousand menaces. When a tall figure stepped out I nearly jumped out of my skin, only to realise who it was, his rich accent and strong voice infinitely soothing.
‘Back already then, Lucy?’
‘You scared me, Niall!’
I was shaking slightly, and I clung to him by instinct. His hand immediately slipped down to my bottom, squeezing a cheek through my skirt as he went on.
‘I thought you’d be around, and I knew you’d not get dropped at the door.’
He was pawing my bottom, obviously turned on. I was thinking of what he’d overheard on the phone. So was he.
‘What was it your friends were saying back there a while?’
‘You know.’
‘I do, and it just happens that Ryan and your Ma think I’ve gone to collect you from Greenwich.’
‘They do?’
‘They do that, so how about you and I take a little detour, by my place? Then you can show me just what they meant.’
Oh God. I couldn’t stop myself. I was too drunk, too horny, too vulnerable to his masculine charm and the way he just knew he was going to get what he wanted. He steered me toward his house, just a few doors from my own, his hand never leaving my bottom, his long, strong fingers stroking and kneading my cheeks. In the doorway he kissed me, lifting me up on tiptoe to meet his mouth, and still fondling. He’d pulled up my skirt, and went on to pat my bare bottom. I was praying none of the neighbours were watching.
We went straight upstairs, without preamble. My knickers came down, then off. A finger was eased up my pussy as I pulled down his zip, and his cock came out. I went down as before, on my knees in front of him, to suck and lick his cock and his balls and, when I was quite ready, to put my tongue to his arsehole.