Office Perks Page 7
‘You great gobshite pervert,’ I howled. ‘Now you’ll give those back this instant!’
He didn’t answer me, but was laughing as he danced back, waving my knickers above his head in triumph before putting them to his face and drawing deep on my scent.
‘Now that’s grand, as any man’ll tell you – the smell of cunt in the evening air.’
‘Give them back, or you’re a dead man, Niall Flynn!’
‘I’ll give them back just as soon as you’ve made that call.’
I tried to snatch for them, but he jumped backed, holding them as high as he could, well beyond my reach. An elderly couple had emerged from one of the doorways in the terrace by our sides, and gave first me, then Niall a set of dirty looks as if we’d been fucking in the road. Niall took no notice at all, his face full of impish joy as he held out my knickers at arm’s length, dangled between forefinger and thumb, beckoning.
‘Come on with you now, Lucy Doyle, make that call.’
I started for him, determined, but he leapt, agile, to the side. Even without my heels I didn’t have a hope in hell of outrunning him, and he knew it, wagging his finger disapprovingly.
‘None of that now,’ he teased. ‘And you should mind your tongue. No way for a young lady to talk, that isn’t. Now best to make that call, ’cause with that little dress you’ll be showing your bare arse to half of Gogarty’s every time you bend, you will, and you’ll need to keep your knees close. You’re a bad girl, but you wouldn’t want to go flashing your cunt to your old schoolmates now, would you?’
‘You fucking bastard!’
‘Make that call, Lucy Doyle.’
I dug into my bag, glaring at him as I rummaged for my phone. He just laughed, perhaps knowing as well as I did what he was doing to me, because deep down what I wanted was to be bent over the bonnet of the nearest car and fucked till I screamed. Not even Niall Flynn had the balls for that, not sober anyway, but he continued to hold out my knickers so that anyone who passed by could see, and would know I was bare under my dress. I kept my eyes firmly on his, trying to look accusing as I called up Bobbie’s number. She answered almost immediately, with a blare of noise in the background.
‘Bobbie?’ I started. ‘It’s Lucy. I can’t hear you very well but I’m in Kilburn, with Niall Flynn. He’s been molesting me again. He’s taken my knickers off and he won’t give them back unless I make a date with the two of us and you and Sophie. He wants a threesome. I’m serious. I said you wouldn’t, you would? Ha, ha, great, I’ll tell him! Have a good time, and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.’
Niall was all ears.
‘What’d she say? She up for it?’
‘She says that you’ll have to try a lot harder than that if you want to get three girls in sack with you all at the same time.’
It was a great answer, the perfect answer, winding him up to think he might just get it, but with nothing promised and no idea of how. She’d turned it around on him completely, leaving him with his tongue hanging out as he quickly gave me my knickers back. I pulled them on, back in control and full of mischief as we started up the street once more.
He was well steamed up, and when I gave his crotch a friendly squeeze in the shadow of a big van he turned out to be half stiff. I gave him another flash of my bum, quickly, because we were almost at the corner of the High Road. His response was to smack me, leaving my cheeks tingling as we walked into Gogarty’s to find it packed, with the press two and three deep at bar and every table taken. Some of my old friends were at one of the big round tables by the open doors, and they waved as they saw me. I made to join them, only to be hustled on by Niall, with my arm firmly gripped in one big hand.
‘Hey, Niall!’
Whatever his answer, it was lost under the music, and an instant later I realised where he was steering me, and why. Burning embarrassment rose up, but it was nothing to the thrill of being frog-marched into the loos, with Niall completely unable to contain his lust for me. He chose the gents. Three men looked around as he kicked the door wide, their faces showing surprise, amusement, envy, as Niall pushed me into a cubicle and slammed the door.
‘Down you go, and get this in your gob, you little tease.’
He’d sat down, his long, lean thighs spread wide as he pushed his trousers and briefs to his ankles. I caught the scent of his cock, mixed with the male tang of the cubicle, at once sickening and compelling. His cock and balls were on display, pale and fat and turgid, ready for my mouth, and soon to be ready for my pussy. I got down on my knees in my pretty dress to suck, eager and dirty, thinking not just of the man I was with, but of the three others who knew what I was doing. I didn’t know any of them, but he did, and they seemed to know who I was.
‘That’s little Lucy Doyle he’s got in there, it is.’
‘It’s never!’
‘It is.’
‘Fuck me! Hey, Niall, pass her on when you’ve finished, would you?’
‘Fuck off!’
The door was jammed shut against my bum, and not coming open in a hurry, but it was impossible not to feel vulnerable as Niall began to stiffen in my mouth. All anyone had to do was cram themselves in behind me. My dress would come up, my knickers would come down and they’d do me while I tongued Niall’s big, beautiful erection. It was such a dirty thought, so good to get off on. My hands went down into my panties, stroking and rubbing at my clit as the big cock in my mouth came to full erection.
He was already groaning, and he caught hold of his shaft, tossing himself into my mouth as I sucked on his helmet. I was going to come, maybe before he did, my body urgent and tight, thoughts of being gang-banged racing through my head. They’d just take me, four at once, unable to hold down their lust, sticking their cocks in wherever they’d go, in my mouth and my pussy, maybe even up my bum, all in a welter of uncontrollable male lust.
‘Fuck me,’ someone said.
‘Get a load of that! She’s frigging herself, the dirty bitch.’
I realised they were looking over the top, but it was too late. Neil came with a grunt, full in my mouth and I was there myself, swallowing as best as I could as my body jerked and shook in orgasm with all three of them staring down at me, and no doubt wishing for just what I was. My climax was so hard, so long, one of the best, but even as I took Neil deep to suck down the last of his come, my thoughts had turned to the downside.
What is it with guys? They can never take their pleasure with a girl and appreciate her for what she’s given them. No, they have to boast about it, or start putting her down. OK, so I hadn’t actually done anything with the guys who’d watched me with Neil, and if they’d treated it as a peep-show, then they were the dirty ones. Unfortunately, they weren’t going to see it like that. To them it would be the old story – when a guy does something filthy, he’s cool, but let a girl do the same and she gets it in the neck.
I was not hanging around in Gogarty’s; not for anything. Niall just thought it was a laugh and wanted to stay so he could bask in his mates’ envy. I wasn’t having it. Gogarty’s, everyone in it and everything about my old social life, was beginning to make me feel stifled. Unfortunately, there was only one way I could think of to get him to, leave, and that was to persuade him there was more fun to be had at Phatz. He went for it.
We drove over to Camden Town and made our way to Phatz. Neil complained at having to pay when I didn’t, but soon brightened up when he set eyes on Bobbie. She was at a table on the balcony, wearing a red mini-dress that left just about every inch of her long, elegant legs on show from below. She was also wearing stockings and a serious pair of heels. Sophie was with her, across the table, and Leanne too, with a cluster of men talking to them and a third leaning back on his chair at an adjacent table. I shouted and waved, but there was no way they were going to hear over the music.
The guys with my friends were slick city types, and I caught Niall’s glance of uncertainty and aggression as I pulled him towards the stairs. I w
ondered if I should flirt, maybe soothe my feelings a little for what had happened in Gogarty’s. Pulling myself up on his shoulder, I yelled into his ear.
‘Get some drinks in. I’ll see you up there. Mine’s a Powers.’
He nodded and pushed his way towards the bar. I climbed the stairs, fought my way around to the table, greeting the girls with hugs and kisses and quickly pinched a chair from some guy who’d gone to the bar. Four girls, seven guys, two well fixed on Sophie and Leanne – that left five in the running. One was told to go off and get drinks as I sat down and leant across to speak to Bobbie.
‘Niall’s here with me.’
‘Oh, yes?’
‘Yeah, tease him a bit, OK?’
She smiled and nodded, glancing around to seek him out.
‘Tell me that’s him, Lucy.’
I looked round. It was, and I had to see her point. Big and rough, and putting it on a bit in front of us and the city guys, he looked all man. I felt a touch of pride as he pushed his over way to us. He put the drinks down and set his back to the balustrade over the dance floor as I yelled out an introduction. Bobbie immediately reached out, and for a second I thought she was going to grab his crotch, but she settled for squeezing the muscle of his thigh. As he looked down in surprise her tongue flicked out to wet her lips.
‘Prime steak, you lucky thing!’ she said in my direction.
‘Don’t flatter him, he’s already getting ideas,’ I laughed.
Niall looked down at me.
‘More lip from you and I’ll give you more than ideas. And your friend too.’
I stuck my tongue out at him and Bobbie made a little purring noise. I shook my head. It was hopeless. He was already basking in her admiration, preening himself, and she was no better. OK, so he wasn’t like Keith or Luke, to be teased and cajoled for a laugh, but she might have made some effort. I downed my Powers and went for another, leaving them to it.
It was my first drink, but I already felt light-headed. I knew it could happen: Niall with Bobbie and me, and maybe Sophie too, that very night. Maybe all I needed to do was go with the flow and it would. The idea filled me with all sorts of confusing feelings. There was jealousy, uncertainty, and the sure knowledge of disapproval. There was also a strong sense of mischief, of anticipation for something so naughty and which I’d never done before, and raw lust for Niall and to see him with her.
They were well into each other by the time I got back. Bobbie’s eyes were sparkling as she took him in, the others forgotten. He’d pinched my chair, and for one awful moment I thought I was simply going to get cut out, but there was nothing but warmth in his welcoming smile, and he drew me straight down onto his knee, making it quite plain that I was his number one, first and foremost.
I relaxed, enjoying it all, the pang of annoyance at the consequences of sucking him off at Gogarty’s quickly fading in a haze of whiskey and pleasure. It was good to be with Niall, and to enjoy Bobbie’s undisguised eagerness, and the stifled desire of the other men there, who’d turned to Sophie and Leanne but were giving the three of us ever more envious glances as the atmosphere slowly warmed.
It was only when Sophie disappeared with two of the men that I began to think it really might happen between Bobbie, Niall and me. She’d had her arms around them both, and from what I knew of her I was sure she’d let them share her. Whether they could handle it I didn’t know, but it was impossible not to think of her on her hands and knees, enjoying a spit-roasting. I was still a little unsure of myself, but incredibly turned on.
By the time we left, Niall was clearly sure he was going to get his way. He put his arms around our shoulders as we walked up the High Street, and lower as we entered the dim side street where he’d parked the car. By this time he had one hand on my bum, and one on Bobbie’s. She didn’t complain, and nor did I, letting him squeeze and stroke, stopping him only when he began to inch my dress up to get at my bare flesh. He laid off, but gave me an admonishing pat, just as Bobbie spoke.
‘What’s this about you taking Lucy’s knickers off in the street, Niall?’
‘I did that.’
‘To get a date with us two and Sophie?’
‘That’s the size of it, yes.’
He was laughing, cool and confident. She was teasing.
‘Well, you may not have Sophie, but you’ve got us, so can you handle it?’
‘Oh I can handle it.’
‘So, what are you going to do about it, big man?’
‘Take the pair of you home and fuck you.’
‘Oh my!’
‘You pig, Niall! Do you really think we’ll let you?’
I couldn’t help it. He was so conceited, but my body was giving a very different message. I wanted him, together with Bobbie, for his sex and the delicious naughtiness of sharing with my friend. He didn’t answer, but gave my bottom a firmer slap as we reached the car. I climbed in, full of resentment for his sheer arrogance but with my feelings at fever pitch.
We’d let Frazer have us both, so why not Niall? For one reason Frazer hadn’t been my boyfriend, and Niall was . . . sort of. Luke had been there too, balancing the sex. Now there were three of us – two girls, one man. No excuses. We’d be sharing, allowing him to have us both together, for his pleasure.
He never even asked if we’d like to be dropped off; he just drove, fast, to his house. We had to park well down the road, and I was terrified somebody – my family, friends, any one of the dozens who knew me – would see as I scuttled quickly to his door. Bobbie was giggling with drink and sex as he kneaded her bottom through her dress. Indoors I hesitated, knowing it was my last chance to back out. Niall locked the front door behind us.
‘Upstairs with the pair of you!’
He slapped our bottoms, sending us towards the stairs. I felt one last strand of resistance break and I was running up after Bobbie, giggling and stumbling drunkenly, into Niall’s bedroom. He followed, grinning as the two of us bounced down on the bed, and he’d begun to strip. It was going to happen, for real. My heart was in my mouth, my pulse hammering as we watched him undress, so casual, as if stripping for sex with two girls was something he did every night of the week. Bobbie just stared at him, admiring his body as it came bare; lean, hard torso and muscular arms, long, powerful legs, and at last his cock and balls. He was already half stiff, and as he climbed onto the bed he was grinning and hefting it in his hand, ready for us.
‘Who’s first, girls?’
We just went together, crawling quickly forward so urgently we banged our heads in our eagerness to get at him, and ended up in giggles as we began to kiss and lick at him. He lay back, thighs up and open, his hands ruffling our hair and tickling our necks as we worked. I took his cock in my mouth, Bobbie went for his balls, and we were both sucking deeply to make him sigh and tense, pushing his crotch into our faces. In just seconds he was rock hard in my mouth, and as Bobbie lifted her head from his balls I guided his penis all the way in.
It was so horny watching her suck, her pretty face set in bliss as she mouthed on his thick, heavy erection. I wanted to be nude, and began to pull on my clothes, peeling my dress up and off, pushing my knickers down and kicking them free. In just my stockings I got back down on Niall’s dick, taking the bulging sac of his balls in my mouth as Bobbie sucked him. Her arm came around my shoulder, hugging me as we indulged ourselves in Niall’s body, then higher, pushing my head gently down.
I knew what she wanted, and I did it, letting his balls slip free of my mouth, to have my face pushed close, my lips puckered, to kiss his arsehole as Bobbie dissolved into delighted giggles. She wasn’t the only one giggling as I pulled back, feeling wonderfully naughty and ready for anything.
‘Fuck us, Niall, side by side.’
He didn’t waste time, climbing onto me even as I rolled over with my thighs spread in welcome. I sighed as he found me, pushing up, deep, and we were doing it as Bobbie stripped off her dress and bounced down beside us, watching with her hands between her thi
ghs. Our eyes met briefly, hers full of laughter and of lust, before Niall’s mouth found mine and we were kissing, even as he pumped into me, and knowing he was about to mount my friend, by my own invitation.
‘Now the other one . . . stay as you are, Lucy.’
I didn’t need telling. Even as he slid free I was masturbating, my head to the side to watch as he mounted Bobbie, coming into her arms as he drove his cock deep inside her. It looked so good, watching her being fucked, her face in ecstasy as he pumped himself into her, his buttocks pushing up and down, the muscles of his shoulders and back and legs working as he increased his pleasure. I would have come, then and there, under my fingers as I watched them, with the memory of how it felt to have him inside me still fresh in my head. He stopped suddenly, though, and pulled back, kneeling up, his erection glistening wet with our mingled juices as he spoke.
‘Now for doggy style. Get over, the pair of you, and let’s see those fine arses.’
I was giggling hysterically at his words, but I didn’t hesitate, nor did Bobbie. We rolled over, arms around each other as we got on our knees, bare bottoms lifted to offer our pussies to him, a thoroughly rude view we didn’t mind giving in the slightest. All our inhibitions had given way to the urgent demands of pleasure. He gave a contented sigh at the sight, his cock in his hand, his eyes flicking between Bobbie’s bottom and mine, unsure which eager pussy to fill.
She got it first, eased in deep with his hands on her hips as he began to fuck her. She was gasping instantly, and I could feel the shudders passing through her body every time he thrust in. At least seven or eight times I thought he’d come, but his stamina was admirable. He pulled out, got quickly behind me, and then I was getting the same treatment, being fucked on my knees with my friend cuddled tight beside me.
He did it hard, until I was panting and clutching at the bedclothes, totally abandoned to my pleasure. When he slipped free I heard my own groan of disappointment, but as I felt Bobbie tighten in reaction as she was once more filled with him he’d pushed a finger into me. I splayed my legs, eager to come, while he fucked her, and while I held onto her. My fingers went back, rubbing myself as he worked my clit, clutching and groping and fingering.